AL Wild Card Recap vs Athletics: Wednesday October 3: 7-2 WIN: Sevy Came Out Ballin, Judge Is A True Leader, And It's Time to Head to Boston - Jomboy Media

AL Wild Card Recap vs Athletics: Wednesday October 3: 7-2 WIN: Sevy Came Out Ballin, Judge Is A True Leader, And It's Time to Head to Boston


That is how we fucking do it!


I've had a full day to gather my thoughts after Wednesday's victory...

But, trust me, I was riding high after that victory. I was so prepared to finally bodycheck that stupid DJ. But this would have been a happy bodychecking. If we lost, I still could have bodychecked that very same DJ...

HOWEVER (yes, Stephen A. voice), that check would have been filled with anger, frustration, and rage. But I digress...

I'm going to be honest with all you guys. Leading up to that game was easily one of my most nervous experiences before a Yankees game.

I was a mess. If you follow me on Twitter, you definitely saw my constant and repetitive tweets about being nervous - it was not an act.

I know I joke a lot, but I was nervous AS HELL. 

So many factors had my brain short-circuiting like a Westworld host.

I was going to say that was a classic Rovell/Greeny analogy, but I think that one might have been a little too astute, even for those two men of wit. 

Anyways, I was freaking out for this game. FREAKING THE FUCK OUT.

Flashing back to last year's WC game, and Sevy's abysmal first inning, had me worried. Winning 100 games and having to play a 1 game playoff had me worried. The pesky A's had me worried. Boone and his questionable managerial decisions had me worried...

So many damn things had me worried and freaking out.

I locked myself in my apartment like I was in solitary confinement. Some of my friends asked me to go watch the game at a bar but I said, "HELL, NO!"

There was no way I could have handled watching that game at a bar...well, when we started scoring runs I definitely could have handled it. 

But I truthfully was anticipating a nail-biter of a game. If it was close all the way through, I wouldn't have been able to function at a bar.

Instead, I sat in my apartment with a plate of chicken wings and lots and lots of beer. And I watched. 

And, oh baby, WHAT A GAME.

Seeing Sevy pitch a 1-2-3 first inning was the biggest "sigh of relief" possible. After getting knocked out of a 3-0 game, while only getting one out, a year ago, Sevy was DIALED IN. 


As we headed into our half of the first, my nervousness subsided slightly. And then, thankfully, it subsided BIG TIME.

Walk to Cutch.

And then? 

Our Captain. 


Holy shit. 


Absolutely Unreal. 

Battling back from his injury, to do this in his first at-bat of the playoffs? What a guy, what a guy.

For real though. That's our fucking leader.





While I know it was only the first inning, after seeing that ball soar into the left field seats, I was feeling VERY confident.

My previous "nervous-wreck" state evaporated thanks to a single moonshot by #99. All fucking Rise, indeed.

The 2nd and 3rd innings came and went without any craziness. From both sides.

That changed in the 4th - it wouldn't be a Yankee Wild Card Game without a little Sevy Drama, now would it?

Thanks to a throwing error by Gold Glove candidate Miggy (lol psych), and two walks by Sevy, we were now dealing with the bases fully loaded with Athletics. 

I would have preferred some loaded nachos, not loaded A's, but ya get what ya get sometimes. 

Thankfully, we were not dealing with 2017 WC Sevy. This is 2018 WC Sevy. And he is MEAN. And gooood.  









In the 5th, Sevy gave up a couple singles and was promptly pulled. It was all good though, because Boonie made the bold choice of going with Dellin in the 5th.

Spoiler Alert: It paid off! Because Good Dellin is back and he was DEALING, shutting down Oakland 1-2-3.

All in all, very solid start for our buddy, Luis Severino. It honestly wasn't expected for him to go deep into the game, especially with all the arms we had waiting for an opportunity.

4 IP, 2 hits, 0 runs, 4 walks, 7 Ks.

I will take that! And yes, you read that correctly. He was pitching a no-no until those 2 singles in the 5th. Great start, Cy Young Sevy. I am declaring you #back (I hope).

After Dellin shut down the A's in the 5th, we were still incapable of tacking on any runs. It's like our offense decided to take the rest of the night off! What the hell?

It's almost as if, once our bats saw Judge's blast, they decided to kick their feet up, take out some tanning oil, lay back, and relax. 

I don't know why I chose a tanning analogy for a night game, but just go with it.

It's like they decided to kick back for the rest of the game and watch some Netflix.

Is that better?

(Spoiler Alert Again: This offensive inability did not last)  

At least we still had Good Dellin dominating in the 6th, another 1-2-3 performance from our guy.

FINALLY, in the bottom of the 6th, we got tired of our tanning and Netflix watching, and decide to distance ourselves from this damn team.

Who started off the rally? Oh, Our Future Captain, of course.

Judge walloped a leadoff double. Ooh, I like the word "wallop." I'm going to start using that more...

Hicksy/Hicksie/'Whatever Your Name Is' immediately knocked him home with a double of his own. Attaboy, Hicksy! 3-0

After a walk to G, Oakland decided to go with one of the "supposed" best closers in the league, Blake Treinen - it appears that Blake hasn't officially met #MYFirstBaseman...

As Luke came up to the plate, I made a bold statement on Twitter. And I almost had to pay the piper. 

No, not that Pied Piper...



Right after I tweeted this, Luke decides to mash a ball to right field, and it juuuust misses the right field fence. 


Sheeeesh. So fucking close.

Luke thought it was gone too. I mean, look at this. 

But, still a 2 RUN TRIPLE. LUUUUUUKE. 


Didi hit him home thanks to an [underrated] sac fly and we now led 6-0. 

D-Rob came in for the 7th and followed in the path of Good Dellin. 1-2-3 inning, let's gooo!

Zach Britton was called upon for the 8th inning and gave up a measly 2 run homer - but really, who the fuck cares? 

Shh. To be honest? I did. Granted, it was a 6-2 game. BUT, part of me started to hyperventilate that we might, somehow, fuck this game up. 

Not gonna happen on this night, though.

We held strong.

And we added a nice little pièce de résistance

That's a little French, in case you guys weren't sure... And, of course, I am talking about Giancarlo's absolute MOONSHOT.

443 FUCKING FEET. I thought it was going to be foul. Boy, I was wrong


And that, was pretty much it...

We took a 7-2 lead into the 9th inning and brought in Mr. Flamethrower himself, Chappie! In Classic Chappie fashion, he surrendered a leadoff single before slaming the door on Oakland's hopes and dreams with 3 straight outs.

BOOM. That's all she wrote.

Billy Beane and his dumb Moneyball tactics have fallen, once again.

And we are headed to play our hated rivals in the ALDS. It's not the Championship Series, but I'll take it.

OH, and I almost forgot to mention Hechavarria's AMAZING catch at 3rd! Props, again, to Boone, for making the right call and taking out Miggy.




What a fucking catch.

By the way...

The Stadium was BUMPING. Chants of "We Want Boston" began to echo through the hallowed halls of our beautiful ballpark in the Bronx. Before the game was even over!

I was, partially, very pissed that I was not in attendance. However, being a recently graudated/new to the workforce 24 year old, throwing down a SHIT TON of money on playoff tickets is not really in my best interest. Financially speaking. 

We're moving on, everyone.


In about 5 hours, we will do battle in Boston. JA Happ vs. Chris Sale. 

Let's demolish these 108-win assholes.


Follow me on Twitter @JohnFerraro 

P.S. Enjoy these pictures and short video clips from the WC celebration!






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