We swept the Orioles! In a 4 game series that became 2…huh?

Woo! Another series sweep! The squad took a weekend vacation in Baltimore, Maryland where we won a two game series… What is the problem with this statement? Well, it was supposed to be four game series

God, damnit. We had two more rain-outs this weekend. I was heated. CC can you convey my emotions for me?

cc rain

Thanks, big guy.

This has to be the record for the most rained out games, this early in the season. And yes, I have made that statement before. But do you know why?


Once again, Mother Nature decided to drop a shit ton of rain on us. Yes, I realize that wasn’t very eloquently put. But it works.

(I can write eloquently when needed, but sometimes, I think it is more effective to just be effective and honest. And use terms like “shit-ton”…so get used to it, if ya haven’t already. Okay, that was a nice break in the action, I’m going to resume my previous train of thought…)

So, as I was saying, a shit-ton of rain was dropped into the city where we were playing baseball – another fantastic coincidence!

Thursday’s and yesterday’s games were canceled, while we were able to play Friday’s and Saturday’s – and we won both. Because the Orioles fucking suck.

Damn, they honestly must have been so happy that they didn’t have to face us anymore. We’re, clearly, a much stronger team than the one they faced in early April. And trust me, I can speak first hand about that.

I was at that shitty Sunday game vs the O’s back on April 8th, I believe. And it sucked.

Giancarlo the Terminator (he wasn’t the Terminator on that Sunday) struck out 5 times, was 0 for 7, and Judge grounded into a double play with the bases loaded in the 12th inning. Very unenjoyable game.

Anyways, at least we swept them this weekend! Albeit, in a reduced series…so, let’s recap Friday and Saturday’s games!


SONNY! We got ‘good Sonny’ back for this game: 6 IP, 4 hits, 1 ER, 6 strikeouts.

It was important for Sonny to bounce back after a terrible start against the Angels, but I’m still not sold on this guy. Based on his last few starts, he has been quite the rollercoaster…check this out

Since May 5th against Cleveland, here are the earned runs in his last 5 starts: 2 ER, 5 ER, 1 ER, 5 ER, 1 ER…jeez, he’s more bipolar than Ed Norton/Brad Pitt in Fight Club. 


I mean, he is more up and down than the Dr. Doom Fear Fall ride at Universal. I could keep going with the analogies but I’ll chill.

One good start, one bad, one good, one bad, one good – cut the shit, Sonny!

And I don’t mean to yell at you, since you pitched well on Friday. But I need to see some consistent solid starts before I start trusting you again.

It’s like we’re in a relationship…you’ve hurt me far too many times, Sonny. If you really are a changed person, prove it! LOL, interesting analogy, but it honestly is very applicable.

So, besides a solo shot for Machado, Sonny was dialed in. It is evident that Manny is just continuing to show off in front our us. Manny, we know you want to be a Yankee, but cool it with all the damn home runs.

I’m not sure if we’re even going to end up getting Machado, but it will definitely be interesting to monitor…

Our scoring started with a nice RBI single by everyone’s favorite phenom, Glibber! Don’t worry, Gleyber, I will pretend to ignore you trying to stretch that double into a triple later in the game…I’ll quietly sweep it under the rug shhhh.

GREG BIRD! He crushed a ball to deep center and, unlike Gleyber, was able to lock down a nice triple, scoring Gardy in the process.

This was just a solid game with a plethora of nice RBI hits for our guys. Ooh, plethora is an underrated word. I feel like it isn’t used too often – let it be known, I plan to bring the word “plethora” back with a vengeance!

ROMINE!! RBI double for the stud, himself. I cannot fathom, nor explain, the tear that this dude has been on. It has easily been one of the biggest surprises of our season so far, but I’m all for it.

Our runs concluded with a casual 438 foot bomb by one Mr. Aaron Judge. Is anyone even surprised anymore? Answer: No.

But, wow. That was a MOONSHOT. What a guy, what a guy….


Chad Green, Betances, and Chappie shut down the Orioles in the last 3 innings. Dellin added a little excitement to the game and by excitement, I mean the potential for a goddamn heart attack.

After getting a ground-out, he walked a guy, walked a guy, hit a guy…holy shit, Dellin. What the hell? You caused myself and, I’m sure, many other fans to start nervously panicking, sweating, and freaking the fuck out.

Thankfully, he got out of it, and then I realized he was just trying to add his own little flair to this game. To be fair, it was a pretty boring and ho-hum game up until this point. Trying to liven things up, eh Dellin? Well, next time don’t do that shit. Sooo unnecessary!

Chappie came in for the save and guess what….he didn’t have a “Classic Chappie” inning! Instead of giving up a walk or a single, he shut their bats down 1-2-3. Ayy, Chappie! Switching things up, I love it!

Nice 4-1 win!


Second night in a row that the scoring started off with a solo homer for Baltimore. But also the second night in a row that we ended up with the dub. So I’ll continue to take those solo shots, if it ends in a victory.

Tanaka wasn’t very good, but he also wasn’t too bad either. This was a pretty average start, all in all. Remember how I said Monty is like Outback Steakhouse.

Well, this average start by Tanaka was pretty much the equivalence of a dinner at Applebee’s. Even though I’m pretty sure I’ve never eaten at one. Actually yes I have, but I was drunk.

But my point remains the same, Tanaka had an Applebee’s kind of start. Thankfully we put up 8 runs, so his mistakes weren’t too glaringly obvious.

5.1 IP, 4 ER, 7 K’s, 1 walk.

We weren’t down in this game for long, thanks to ANDÚJAR! He can DÚ ITTT!

And he’s been doing it, A LOT. A nice two run shot for the guy who might keep Manny Machado off of the Yankees. Just kidding. I think we would still sign Manny if the situation presented itself.

But if Miggy keeps playing like this, I feel like Cashman will definitely be more hesitant to offer a Brinks truck of money to Machado. But back to the game…

Then, GIANCARLOOO! The Terminator himself, crushed a nice oppo-HR.


It was just a beautiful homer to behold. Not too many guys in this League can hit an opposite-field homer with such power, and make it look so easy. Him and Judge are two of the rare examples.


I’ll run through our other scoring pretty quickly: Didi RBI single, Hicksy 2 RBI singles, and then a RBI double for Miggy – big day for this guy.

After Tanaka left the game, we saw Holder, Chad, Betances, and D-Rob. Dellin was the best of these 4 guys, which was a great bounce back outing after his scare on Friday.

The Orioles kept scoring runs to keep the game somewhat close, but it never really felt like we were in trouble. I guess that is because this is the 17-41 Orioles we were dealing with. God damn, they are bad. How the hell does Buck Showalter still have a job?

Maybe, he has some blackmail on one of the guys in the Baltimore front office – that could make sense.

But, as I was saying, this game never felt in doubt. The O’s ended up with 5 runs, including trying to mount a little comeback in the 9th against D-Rob. But again, I was not worried.

I think this is just a testament to how good our team is. I feel so confident about them, each and every time they step out on the field.  “Why get worried? The Orioles aren’t going to beat us. Even if they score a few runs, we’ll just score  a bunch more.”

Just being able to think like that ^ is so damn great.

I was looking forward to a nice 3 game sweep and then…another fucking rain out. Two in four days. Fuck.

It is honestly absurd how many postponed games we have had this year. Most of these rain-outs have been on the road, so it has just been some super shitty luck. It seems like every city we travel to has had really bad weather.

Potential theory: maybe these home teams have figured out a way to manipulate the weather? And they have caused all these rain-outs because they’re trying to avoid playing us…that makes so much sense! They’re scared! It is all coming out in the light now!

But in reality, these rain outs have sucked. There is no other way to put it.

Now, we have a day-night makeup doubleheader in Detroit, sandwiched in between the series in Baltimore and then one in Toronto.

Seriously, we are going to be making up rained-out games until the 2020 season. That is what it feels like.

I really hope we keep the winning going, even after all this traveling. It’s a rough little stretch for our boys right now, but they got this!

Let’s sweep this Tigers doubleheader!


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