Tough end to the streak, let’s start a new one tonight! - Jomboy Media

Tough end to the streak, let’s start a new one tonight!

Ah, well. The nine-game winning streak has come to end. That’s okay – we’re just trying to keep the Astros on their toes. Now we have them right where we want them…

Well, ya can’t win ’em all. Jeez, that was the biggest cliché ever, sorry everyone. But, it’s still true, kinda.

We’re the Yankees. Of course, we always expect to win.

Last night, there were a lot of positives in terms of pitching. Our bats just, unfortunately, happened to be cold. They were more ice cold than LeBron in the 2011 Finals. Yeah, I went there.

We actually showed signs of heating up at the end of the game, as we tried to mount a little comeback. Gardner sent out a “Gardy Party” invite, but nobody else was interested in attending. Probably because of the attire and overall boringness of most garden parties. Except for Dwight Schrute’s…


Wait I’m confusing Gardy Party and garden party. My bad.

Charlie Morton was totally dialed in. He was throwing a no-no until Romine, the most likely candidate to break up a no-hitter on our team, ended that in the 6th. Pretty hilarious that he was the guy to do it, but I’m sure glad he did.

Seriously, though. What the fuck is up with Charlie Morton?! The man is 34 years old and he has never been a dominant pitcher. My Spidey Senses are definitely tingling..but actually, this is a sketchy situation.

Hubbs, of Barstool, agrees with me as well


Charlie Morton was never a dominant pitcher before arriving in Houston. Now, at the tail end of his career, he starts looking like a totally different dude on the mound, who can now throw a 99 MPH fastball..what?

This is almost identical to the whole José Bautistia – Blue Jays situation. Joey Bats was a scrub before getting to Toronto. Then, all of a sudden, he is sitting 50, 40 home runs a year like it’s nothing.

My answer to Joey Bats? Steroids. My answer to Charlie Morton? Steroids…probably.


It just doesn’t make sense. Regardless, he dominated us last night and we could not break through.

After Gardy’s RBI in the 8th, they brought Giles in for the 9th. He struck out Giancarlo, Gary, and Hicks one-two-three and that was it.

It was a real shame, though, because Sonny Gray finally started to look like a solid pitcher. Giving up 2 runs in 6 innings was, actually, his best start of the year so far. (No, really.)

It’s just unfortunate that it had to happen in a game like this. However, it was definitely comforting to see a performance like this from Sonny. I’m praying that he is finally starting to snap out of things. Keep it going, Sonny!

Okay, fuck it. It’s one loss. Time to bounce back tonight and start a new goddamn streak!

It’s not going to be easy…Monty is going up against Justin fuckin’ Verlander. Fuck you, Verlander.

Not only does he have a World Series ring, an MVP trophy, a CY Young Award, and a lot of other accolades, but he is also married to one of the most famous supermodels in the world. Damn, he has a good life.

He is also 4-0 this year, which I was choosing to ignore up to this point.

But, watch out Justin! Jordan “Gumby/Monty” Montgomery is 2-0 and looking to beat the shit out of you tonight!

All joking aside, I’m a big fan of Monty and I know that he can keep us in this game and, hopefully, our bats will get to Verlander. We’ve scored only 3 total runs for the last two games, so we are due for the bats to come alive!

As always…


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