GIANCARLO WALKOFF: 7-5 Comeback Win!

WHAT. A. GAME. Holy shit.

Down 5-0 in the 5th, things were not looking good. But, this is the 2018 Yankees we’re talking about. NO lead is safe against our team and I fucking love it.

I’m going to recap this entire game, but there is no sense beating around the (Rachel) Bush (If you do not know who she is, Google her. You’re welcome).

With the game tied at 5, Giancarlo “The Terminator/Now a True Yankee?” Stanton came up to the plate. With all the haters ready to jump on him if he struck out again, he said “fuck you” to all of them and blasted the ball 453 FEET for a WALKOFF WIN.


453 Feet?! Holy fucking shit. What an absolute moonshot. What a blast. What a mammoth of a home run.

This was an unbelievable moment for G and I actually agree with Michael Kay, for once. I know, shocking right?

This was his Signature Yankee Moment. He has arrived.

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Now, did he earn his Pinstripes? It’s tough to say, lets #EmbraceDebate. We could really use a Skip and Stephen A. reunion right about now.

Does a walk off homer in a comeback win in June give Giancarlo his Pinstripes? Or has he only earned a few stripes and does he need to earn the rest in October? I’m kind of on the fence on this one…I think he has earned a solid amount of Pinstripes, but he still has room to earn more.

And yes, I am capitalizing Pinstripes on purpose. We’re the Yankees. This is serious shit.

We can save the rest of this discussion for another day…for now, let’s recap the entirety of last night’s wild game.

Well, it was Round 2 of Johnny Lasagna Day! Sadly, it wasn’t as great of a start for our boy, Lasagna. But he still looked solid!

The good news is that my mom actually referred to him as Lasagna in a text. Proud of her! On the other hand, my dad referred to him as “Johnny Parmesan.” And he wasn’t kidding…can’t make that shit up.

Well honestly I could make something like that up, because I’m a pretty solid writer (and not very humble clearly), but I’m not joking this time.

As for Lasagna, he was showing flashes of very good stuff, but the Mariners had his number. He was able to weasel his way out, early on, but then ran into trouble in the 4th.

A leadoff walk, followed by a single and an error gave Seattle a 1-0 lead. Lasagna was able to get two outs, with a double in between. With Dee Gordon coming up, Boone made a very questionable decision. A very, very, VERY questionable decision.

He pulled Lasagna from the game and, in order to get a lefty vs lefty matchup, put in Chasen fucking Shreve. Who is the basically the Tyler Clippard of this year’s team. Shreve sucks. He’s trash.

There are many reasons as to why this move by Boone pissed me off. Because it really did piss me off.

It made me want to take the delicious chicken wings I was eating and throw them against the wall.

BUT, that would’ve been foolish because I would have had to clean up the mess. And those chicken wings were delicious. For anybody who lives in NYC, you should check out “Dan and John’s Wings” in the East Village.

And no, I’m not getting paid to plug their wing place. They’re just really fucking good. You’re welcome, Dan and John.

Whoops, sorry. I was ranting about wings there. Back to Boone…This is why it pissed me off.

First off all, lI personally would have given Lasagna the chance to get out of his own mess. It was only 1-0 and he already had two outs.

I know that he’s young and I know that it was a righty vs a lefty but who cares? Let this kid have a chance to get out trouble on his own. That’s my opinion.

SECONDLY, the whole lefty vs lefty situation is a tad outdated. I agree with it sometimes, but in the 4th inning, I find it a little unnecessary. In a situation in which you want to curtail a team’s scoring, you should bring in a reliever who you are fully confident in.

There is NO WAY that Boone was 100% confident in Shreve. Let’s be real here.

The reason he threw him into this situation was only because he fucking throws a baseball with his left hand.

If Boone had his heart set on taking out Lasagna, he should have put in a guy like Warren or Holder. A safer option who, despite throwing with their right hands, are much better pitchers than Chasen “That’s such a stupid name” Shreve. Oh, and don’t worry. I’ll get to Holder in a little bit.

But yeah, this was a horrible move by Boone – just my two cents.

And there was very little surprise, on my end and I’m sure for numerous Yankee fans, when Shreve gave up a 2 run single to Gordon. 3-0 Mariners.

He gave up 2 more runs in the fifth and, just like that, we’re down by 5. Fuck you, Shreve. We’re going to comeback and win this game just to spite you.



After a double by Miggy and a walk to Hicks, Aaron “What a guy, what a guy” Judge hit them home with a single! THERE WE GO JUDGE! The man always comes through when we need.

5-2. Comeback SZN activated. Here we come!

Oh, and Jonathan Holder is GOOD. Reallyyy good. He came in to relieve Shreve’s bitch ass (I know, that was very eloquently put) and was nothing short of incredible.

2.1 innings, 0 hits, 0 runs, 2 K’s. Oh, and he hit one guy. Just to let them know that Jonathan Holder has fucking arrived!

After Shreve pissed all of us, Holder kept the M’s bats in check as we mounted our sneaky comeback. He was basically the distraction or diversion, if we were pulling off a robbery.

Let Seattle feel nice and comfortable with their 5 run lead, while we slowly and surely chip away it. While Holder SHUTS THEM DOWN. Love it.

While he was doing his thing, Didi’s sac fly made it 5-3.

Chip, chip, chipping away. Is that a song? It should be. It feels like the chorus to some old 80’s love song. Anyways…..

Now we have arrived at the 8th inning.

Down by 2. Let’s tie this thing up! Gleyber started it off with a walk.

Who was next up? Teddy Bear, Gary Sanchez. And what does he do?!


GARYYYYYYYY. 439 feeeeet.

What a clutch BOMB from a guy who has been pretty hot and cold this year. He has been turning it on as of late and I’m hoping this dinger will keep the good vibes going.

And just like that, boom, we’re tied. If I was a Mariners fan, (wow, that would SUCK), I’m pretty sure I would have been in complete shock. “What, we’re tied? Weren’t we just up 5-0 like 10 minutes ago. Did I fall asleep or something?”

Seriously, this was one of the quietest comebacks I have seen in recent memory. We just chipped away at this lead until we could get Gary up there, with a man on, and tie it up. Just. Like. That. This team is so deadly and I love it.

As it shifted to the 9th, I almost fell out of my chair in shock. Chapman was wearing short sleeves… NOT LONG ONES. HUH?!


I tweeted out my confuse because I was quite flabbergasted.


Well, I hoped that this new style by Chappie would get the job done. And, guess what, it did! A 1-2-3 inning for our guy! LET’S GO! And here we go…the bottom of the 9th.

In classic movie fashion, I showed the ending of the story, and then caught you all up to that event. I’m totally blanking on some big movies that go through this narrative, but I’ll tweet them out when I think of it. Pretty sure Casino is one of them.

GIANCARLOOOOO. He was looking for his Yankee moment. He was looking to truly be welcomed as a Yankee. And he got it.

Like I said before, partially joking, I’m not sure if he earned all of his Pinstripes.

In other words, he still has a lot of work to do, to prove he is a Yankee that will be remembered. But a moment like last night was special and he is on his way to really making an impact with our team.

In addition, he has been stepping up his hitting as of late, working out his slump, so let’s go G! You are the Terminator, after all. You will always be back.

I’m churning out this recap as fast as possible. It is just around 12:30 and we have the series finale in about a half hour…


Let’s get this sweep! And as always…


Follow me on Twitter @JohnFerraro_

I will leave you guys with Jomboy’s newest Magic Moment edit!

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