Game 1 Royals Recap: Thursday July 26: 7-2 WIN: Team looked good! But now Judge is hurt and I am sad. - Jomboy Media

Game 1 Royals Recap: Thursday July 26: 7-2 WIN: Team looked good! But now Judge is hurt and I am sad.


I thought I was finally going to be able to write a blog filled with happiness. Filled with sunshine and rainbows and beer. Lots and lots of beer.

(Sorry I equate beer with happiness, sue me)

We had a great win! But, as I’m sure you all know at this point, Judge is out for at least 3 weeks. Fuck. Because that shitty Royals pitcher nailed him on the wrist and he now has a chip fracture.


Last night I was a mixture of complete sadness and anger. My favorite player is now out for a big chunk of the second half, while we’re trying to catch the Red Sox in the division. Such shitty timing.

I was a lost soul last night…and after such a great win too!

HOWEVER, in the full Stephen A. Smith voice that he uses to say “however,” I’m still fully confident in our team to hold down the fort until Judge is back.

As a good leader, Judge is entrusting his loyal subjects to keep things under control. Maybe this is all a test by Judge…think about it!

He just wants to show the team that we can still be super dominant, even if he’s hurt.

It’s all a learning experience!

Like when your parents left you and your siblings alone for the weekend. Of course, there was a chance that you burned down the house, the entire neighborhood, and lost your dog…

But they gave you a chance to prove them wrong! That is exactly what Aaron is doing. He represents the parents trying to teach their kids a lesson.

For all intents and purposes, Judge is basically Danny Tanner


(Maybe. Eh, not really)

I might be totally wrong here, but it was worth a shot.

Alright, let’s recap the happy and fun game before Judge was announced to be out for 3 weeks. Because that was when the fun ended…

SONNY GRAY! There we go Sonny! Third good start (and 3rd win) in a row!

5 IP, 3 hits, 0 runs, 2 walks, 5 K’s.

Sonny was pulled at 75 pitches after the 5th, due to getting hit on the thumb by a comebacker. With Judge leaving the game earlier, seeing our starter being examined for an injury was extremely frustrating.

But, Sonny is confident he’ll be starting next game, so we’re all good!

But, Sonny – way to step, guy. We really needed ya to get things under control and you have really stepped it up!

I’m starting to work my way to fully trusting you, Sonny, but I’m not there yet – getting close though. But not yet. Sorry.

I’ve used this analogy before, but you’re like an ex-girlfriend to all of us right now. You’ve hurt us far too many times for us to fully trust you.

But it’s a work in progress!

Jokes aside, Sonny was great last night. 5 innings of shutout ball – let’s fucking go!

We scored all our runs in the first 5 innings of the game. Giancarlo got things going with a sac fly, followed by a fielder’s choice RBI by Gleyber.

AUSTIN ROMINE, the best backup catcher in the league, for those of you who have been living under a rock, had a nice RBI double in the 4th, scoring Neil “He has been hitting a lot recently, not walking” Walker.

After a throwing error allowed Miggy Andújar to get on base, our old pal and real-life Knight, Sir Didi, strutted to the plate.


DIDIIIII 3 RUN MOONSHOT! Finally snapping our homerless game streak!

And we took a 6-0 lead! This is the fun Yankees baseball we all know and love! Greggy added a sac fly in the 5th to extend our lead to 7.

A 2 run homer given up by Warren was the minor blip on this game – well besides the Judge injury…because that isn’t just a blip, it’s a fucking crater. But I don’t need to get back into my sadness rant.

After Warren pitched, we got a nice shutout inning from David “Remember him sprinting out of the bullpen last year, Robertson.

And finally…we got to witness Zach Britton.

And baby, he looked GOOD.

1-2-3 inning including a strike out looking! That sinker is nasty.

I think this guy is going to be massive for us down the stretch. And having another lefty arm in the bullpen is always a positive. Especially since we never know what we’re going to get from the lefty that always gives us a heart attack – Mr. Chasen Shreve!

Of course, our good buddy Chasen couldn’t resist a little drama. He gave up a couple singles, before surrendering a final one to Merrifield.

Butttt, the Royals are SO STUPID. More specifically, Alex Gordon is SO STUPID. Because he tried to run on Mr. Rocket for an Arm, Aaron Hicks!

And HICKSY NAILED HIM AT THE PLATE. And that’s the ballgame! 7-2 win!

Great all around win! Let’s just hope for a speedy recovery for What A Guy, What A Guy, himself. I’m going to miss tweeting that.


Let’s keep the wins going tonight! CC on the bump!


Follow me on Twitter @JohnFerraro_

Oh and here’s a full highlight recap, courtesy of the Yankees twitter account

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