4-2 Win: Great to be back in the W column and a big game for JOHNNY LASAGNA

WOOO. Back in the Win column! It took a trip over to Philly for some Interleague action to get us back on track.

Fun fact! This was our first time playing in the Phillies ballpark since we won the 2009 World Series. A lot of good mojo in that park! Love it.

Is that the reason for the bounce-back win? Or maybe we had some delicious cheesesteaks before the game? I was in Philly two weeks ago and I felt like a new man after a couple of cheesesteaks.

That could honestly explain the win. But I don’t wanna heap all the credit on those amazing sandwiches, because our team is GREAT.

Anyways, we are back. What’s up?


It was only a three game losing streak, but damn it honestly felt like an eternity. Keep in mind, this was our first three game slide of the season (and hopefully our last).

I think many of you can agree that it felt extremely odd. Losing? I wasn’t a big fan, if I’m being honest. What is going on here? We haven’t won in three days? WHAT?! We should just win, instead of choosing to lose. Winning is a lot more fun, right? Yeah, let’s win. 

This was essentially my entire thought process. It’s a pretty simple choice: why lose when  we can win instead?

Thankfully, we’re the 2018 Yankees, so losing isn’t a very regular occurrence for us. And hopefully we can rattle off a few wins to prevent myself, and others, from suffering a panic attack.

I know, I know, I sound a little spoiled. But, hopefully you guys are on the same page as me. As Yankees fans, we’re not used to seeing a bunch of losses in a row – it’s scary! We’re not the Mets, here. We’re not used to a losing culture.


Let’s recap! Let’s start with the boy, JOHNNY LASAGNA.

This kid is filthy – his breaking balls are straight up nasty. And overall, he just has a great composure on the mound. I’m loving what I am seeing so far, and I really believe he could be the real deal.

He took a perfect game into the 5th and a no-hitter into the 6th. I know, that it was still extremely early in the game, but let me give this kid some credit! What were you guys doing at age 23? Were you taking perfect games into the 5th inning of a Major League Baseball game?

I know what I was doing at 23…I was sitting here and writing this very, same blog. Whoa. Mind Blown. 

Oh, and as I always say, I can still call Johnny “kid.” He’s almost 2 months younger than me, which basically just lowers my self-esteem even more. This kid is balling out for the Yankees at my age. What the fuck am I doing with my life?

Excuse me for a moment while I have a brief moment of silence for my non-existent pro-baseball career.


Okay, I’m good! Back to baseball!

Here was Johnny’s stat line: 5.1 IP, 1 hit, 0 runs, 2 walks, 8 K’s


While Johnny was dominating, we gave him a couple of insurance runs – nothing special, but that was all he needed.

Gleyber had a little check swing double in the 2nd to score Greg…why? Oh, because he’s unreal. See, you’re catching on!

Then in the 5th we got a nice BULLET home run from the guy himself!

JUDGEEE! What a guy, what a guy.


This was an absolute laser for his 20th of the year. Oh, and it appears that he and Giancarlo are starting to feel each other out, casually battling for the home run lead. Do I smell a little home run race as the summer heats up? A little Maris/Mantle?!

Oh baby, I hope so.

As far as Johnny Lasagna goes though, he was locked in through 5.

He began to falter in the 6th and Boonie pulled him at just the right time. Props to Boone for making a great call in this situation. Way to go! Now, just don’t play Shreve ever again and we’ll stop hating on you.

Robertson came in with two men on and shut the door on a potential Phillies rally.

He was pitching pretty solid until a little faltering of his own, giving up a RBI single in the process. But, another very smart move by the skipper allowed for Dellin to come in and relieve D-Rob in the middle of an inning.

AND, just like D-Rob taking over for Lasagna, Dellin did his job. Old Dellin is sooo back.

We took a 2-1 lead into the 8th and prepared to tack on a couple more insurance runs, just for good measure.

Don’t be fooled by all those sketchy insurance salesmen who show up at your doors, ladies and gents: Insurance is a good thing! Especially when we’re talking in baseball terms.

Gardy had an infield single, Judge walked, and Didi executed a perfect bunt that not only advanced the runner, but gave him a single AT THE SAME DAMN TIME.

Hey, Didi. That bunt was a work of art. IF I someday have a son and IF I end up coaching his little league team, I’m going to show replays of that bunt. Over and over.

Okay, no promises on doing that, but I shall make a real effort to follow up on that.

GIANCARLO! A little 2-run single bounced over the shortstop’s head to give us a 4-1 lead! Maybe Jimmy Rollins would have made that play, if he was still at short, but not some scrub named Scott Kingery.

Anddd, that concludes my first and only time typing out the name “Scott Kingery.” Hope you enjoyed it!

Before I switch back to pitching, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the at-bat by our guy, Dellin. Because that boy took some HACKS. He was swinging for the fences in the best way possible. I loved it. The rest of the fans loved it. And boy, did our team love it.


Way to take your cuts, Dellin! Please don’t hurt yourself though…

Speaking of Dellin, much like Johnny and D-Rob before him, he began to falter a little bit. And yes, I am aware that I continue to use the word “falter.” I’m keeping the pattern going in order to reinforce the work of Aaron Boone.

Because, once again, Boonie made the savvy move and pulled his pitcher at JUST the right time. He was doing that all night and it was a very impressive managerial performance. Sometimes I hate on Boone, but he did a great job last night.

He threw in Chappie to get the final out of the 8th, after a couple walks by Dellin. Still, it was another shut-out performance by the resurgent Betances. I missed you, Old Dellin. Here are his last 14 games:


Holy shit.

As we shift to the 9th, we got a real Classic Chappie performance. He didn’t just walk a guy or give up a hit…he gave up a homer! Aw man! Do I really care? Nah, not really. It was an insignificant solo shot. Check out this stat.


He struck out the side, besides that minor slip-up, and he was throwing some GAS. Some absolute HEAT. Boom. 23rd save of the year.


Yes, you two bring the heat. Keep doing that.

Great win last night! Let’s do it again tonight? Sevy on the mound, OH YEAH.



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